VILA Attorneys at Law
Reaffirming our compromise with gender equality

Reaffirming our compromise with gender equality

Yesterday we lived a historical moment for mexican society, where women from all over Mexico united to protest against the injustice, inequity and insecurity that our country is currently going through. This event, which was intended to have both a social and an economical impact, was accomplished thanks to the call #UnDíaSinNosotras , which invited women to be absent on their daily duties on March 9th.  This was intended to raise awareness about the consecuences that the crimes, which have been so far unpunished, may have for us not only as a hole, but on an individual level too; as well as to demand equity in labour rights and implementing regulations that can help stop violence and feminicides that currently exist in our country.

Being the disappearance of women the most evident consecuence of everything against which was protested, and as a consecuence, the absence of these women in our country, this strike sought to generate such awareness precisely by the absence of women in the lives of the men with whom they live in their day-to-day, as well as to accomplish a higher level of empathy throughout the country. 

VILA recognizes this accomplishment of great importance since within our philosophy we have always been in a continuous search for equity within our labour forces.
We would like to take advantage of these historical event to express our pride for our female partners, associates and collaborators, who never cease to demonstrate, through their work, what what women’s empowerment and contribution to our society represents.

We reaffirm our commitment  not only to this movement, but as a fundamental part of our DNA to always advocate for an equitable environment and labor freedom.

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